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The International Conference for Human Development and Resilience, Bangkok - Thailand

The European Centre for Scholastic Research (ECSR) is honoured to announce its call for Papers for The 1st International Conference for Human Development and Resilience

Conference Date: 28 February 2025 Location: Millennium Hilton Hotel Bangkok, Thailand

Theme: Saving Lives, Reducing Suffering and Navigating Complexity

Submission Deadline: February 28, 2025, 2025

Abstract Submission: Please submit a 250-word abstract outlining your proposed paper. The abstract should clearly state the research question, methodology, and key findings.

Paper Submission: Accepted authors will be invited to submit a full paper of [Insert Word Count] words.

About the Conference

The European Centre for Scholastic Research (ECSR) is pleased to announce a call for papers for its upcoming conference and publication on the evolving humanitarian and resilience challenges facing our world today. As we confront an unprecedented convergence of crises—including mass migration, protracted conflicts, global pandemics, and environmental disasters—climate change and the very legitimacy of International Humanitarian Law compound these challenges.

Natural and Man-made disasters are displacing millions, exacerbating food insecurity, and straining health and social systems. At the same time, violations of international human rights laws, weakening refugee and migration protections and shifting geopolitical alliances are impacting the fundamental global governance and cooperation. Against this backdrop, the humanitarian community is tasked with addressing increasingly complex emergencies while building resilience for future crises.

ECSR invites scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit papers for our upcoming conference and publication on diverse human development and resilience issues. The focus will be on current research, case studies, and lessons learned from global crises, with a multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach.

We invite original research, case studies, policy analyses, and reviews that explore the intersection of humanitarian issues, climate resilience, and the implications of shifting legal and governance frameworks on vulnerable populations worldwide.

Themes of Interest:

We welcome contributions addressing, but not limited to, the following topics:

  1. Migration and Refugee Crises
    • Migration patterns and challenges
    • Refugee integration and policies
    • Statelessness and displacement
  2. Human Rights in Humanitarian Contexts
    • Protection and enforcement of human rights during emergencies
    • Advocacy for vulnerable populations
    • Legal frameworks in humanitarian action
  3. Humanitarian Sectors
    • Coordination and leadership in humanitarian responses
    • Health and medical interventions
    • Protection of civilians, including gender-based violence prevention
    • Livelihoods recovery and resilience building
    • Education in emergencies and post-crisis settings
  4. Gender Dynamics in Disasters
    • Gender-sensitive humanitarian programming
    • Women’s leadership and participation in crisis response
    • Impact of disasters on marginalized groups
  5. Resilience Building
    • Community-based disaster risk reduction
    • Innovations in resilience and adaptation
    • Case studies of post-crisis recovery efforts
  6. Lessons Learned and Best Practices
    • Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus
    • Evaluations of humanitarian interventions
    • Cross-learning between humanitarian sectors
    • Case studies
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Review Your Profile

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Provide a brief description of your experience and interests (140 characters)…
Tell us where you currently work or attend school…

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Add co-presenters upto 3 person by submitting their information. (Optional)

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Submit a Proposal

This information will be used to evaluate your presentation proposal.
There are a number of formats to present your work, click here for more details.


The title of the presentation should be written in title case, for instance: This is the Title or Subtitle of My Presentation. The abstract should summarize the purpose, methods, and implications of your research as a concise description, and it should not contain references or citations.



Abstracts must be between 50 and 251 words.


The keywords must be capitalized and comma separated. These will be used to evaluate your proposal and to help place your presentation into appropriate themes or sessions.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Abstracts: Up to 300 words, outlining the research objective, methodology, and key findings.
  • Full Papers: Must adhere to our submission format and not exceed 6,000 words (excluding references).
  • Formats Accepted: Original research, case studies, reviews, and policy analysis.

Submission Deadline: [Date]
Conference Date: 28 Feb 2025
Publication Opportunity: Selected papers will be published in our peer-reviewed journal, The International Journal of Human Development and Resilience.

Submit your abstract and full paper via our submission portal [LINK]. For any queries, please contact us @…..

We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and engaging in meaningful discussions on these pressing humanitarian and resilience issues.

Best regards,
ECSR Conference Committee

Important Dates:

  • Abstract submission deadline: 25 Jan, 2025
  • Full paper submission deadline: 07 Feb, 2025
  • Early Bird Registration: 10 Dec, 2024
  • Regular Registration Deadline: 20 Jan, 2025
  • Conference dates: 27-28 Feb, 2025