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ACT: The International Conference on Architecture, Climate Change and Technologies, Bangkok Thailand

Conference Date: 27-28 February 2025 Location: Hilton Hotel Bangkok, Thailand

Theme: The interplay of architecture, climate change, and emerging technologies.

Submission Deadline: January 25, 2025

Abstract Submission: Please submit a 250-word abstract outlining your proposed paper. The abstract should clearly state the research question, methodology, and key findings.

Paper Submission: Accepted authors will be invited to submit a full paper of [Insert Word Count] words.

About the Conference

“Never before has humanity faced the confluence of crises we face. And never before has there been such a driving need to expand and diversify the kinds of evidence and knowledge we rely upon to make critical decisions to address them.” 

As climate change disrupts ecosystems and societies, the intersection of architecture, indigenous knowledge, and modern technologies presents a powerful opportunity to build a more sustainable future. The International Conference on Architecture, Climate Change, and Technologies (ACT) invites researchers, architects, and professionals to explore the confluence of traditional knowledge systems and innovative technologies in addressing the global climate crisis. 

The ACT conferences provide a platform for the exploration, critique, and discussion on the evolving interplay between architecture, emerging technologies and climate change. Building knowledge in this intersection will play a crucial role in efforts to address climate change through architecture and technologies. A deep understanding of building materials, construction techniques, and performance metrics is essential for designing and implementing sustainable and resilient structures. By leveraging existing knowledge and conducting innovative research, architects and engineers can develop innovative solutions that address the challenges posed by climate change, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, and adaptation to extreme weather events. Additionally, building knowledge can inform the development of new technologies that support sustainable building practices, such as advanced materials, energy-efficient systems, and climate-responsive design tools. 

Topics of Interest:

  • Sustainable Building Materials and Construction Techniques: How can architects and engineers leverage innovative materials and construction methods to reduce the environmental impact of the built environment?
  • Energy-Efficient Architectural Design: Explore the role of architectural design in minimizing energy consumption and promoting renewable energy sources in buildings.
  • Climate-Responsive Architecture: Discuss strategies for designing buildings that adapt to changing climate conditions, such as extreme weather events and rising temperatures.
  • Urban Planning and Climate Adaptation: Investigate how urban planning can be integrated with climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to create resilient cities.
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Climate Resilience: Explore the potential of BIM to support sustainable design, construction, and operation of buildings.
  • Smart Building Technologies: Discuss the application of smart technologies to optimize energy efficiency, water conservation, and occupant comfort in buildings.
  • Renewable Energy Integration in Architectural Design: Explore the integration of solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources into architectural design.
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies in Architecture: Discuss the role of architects in developing strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change.
  • Case Studies of Successful Climate-Resilient Architectural Projects: Highlight examples of buildings and urban developments that have successfully incorporated climate-resilient design principles.
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Submit a Proposal

This information will be used to evaluate your presentation proposal.
There are a number of formats to present your work, click here for more details.


The title of the presentation should be written in title case, for instance: This is the Title or Subtitle of My Presentation. The abstract should summarize the purpose, methods, and implications of your research as a concise description, and it should not contain references or citations.



Abstracts must be between 50 and 251 words.


The keywords must be capitalized and comma separated. These will be used to evaluate your proposal and to help place your presentation into appropriate themes or sessions.

Submission Guidelines:

  • All submissions should adhere to the specified formatting guidelines.
  • Please ensure that your submission is original and has not been published elsewhere.
  • The conference proceedings will be published in a peer-reviewed journal or book.

We welcome submissions from researchers, architects, engineers, and other professionals working in the field of architecture and climate change.

The ACT conference, sponsored by the European Centre for Scholastic Research, is committed to fostering interdisciplinary dialogue, building knowledge, and promoting tangible solutions to address the challenges posed by climate change. We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Important Dates:

  • Abstract submission deadline: 25 Jan, 2025
  • Full paper submission deadline: 07 Feb, 2025
  • Early Bird Registration: 10 Dec, 2024
  • Regular Registration Deadline: 20 Jan, 2025
  • Conference dates: 27-28 Feb, 2025